Attorney AnnMarie Jenkinson

Easier then I thought it could ever be.

Easier then I thought it could ever be.

Easier then I thought it could ever be.
April 22, 2015

AnnMarie Jenkins made what is supposed to be one the toughest experiences in life into an easy mostly pain free experience. She handled the situation with compassion and knowledge letting us proceed as slowly or quickly as we desired. I didn’t enter into my marriage ever anticipating going through a divorce process. As me and my soon to be ex-wife grew up from our twenties we also grew apart. This is not something that I took lightly and AnnMarie understood that. As I came up with more and more questions and probably asked the same question three different ways she gave me answers both based on experience and reality of the situation. Upon making the final decision to separate she helped me negotiate with the other party and both come to a mutual decision on some minor contested issues. She also understood the importance of me retaining custody/possession of my two dogs and wrote that as a stipulation not just as property but at least a little more. It was a big deal for me but isn’t in the eyes of the courts. AnnMarie helped keep this severance of marriage civil enough that there is no bad blood between my soon to be ex and I. The paperwork was completed quickly and concisely and needed no alterations and we hammered everything out in the first few conversations. The filling proceeded quickly as well. She is to represent me in the hearing required by my county and I have full faith that will continue to run as smoothly as everything else.